By each due date at midnight, you are required to have completed the week’s work and to write a summary post of all your activity for that week. A link to that post must be submitted to Canvas. (More information about weekly summary posts is provided below).
To recap, here’s how you should expect each assignment to unfold:
- Go to the my site and watch the entire weekly video from your instructors. Continue to work on your assignments.
- Look at Daily Create
- Complete all of the work for the week.
- Use your blog to post each storytelling assignment as you complete it.
- Use your blog to post any reflections that have been assigned.
- Complete the assigned Daily Creates and make sure they are showing up on the Daily Create site
- Follow your classmates’ work and comment on it.
- Use your blog to share your successes, questions, etc.
Final Summary: Post your Weekly Summary on your blog and submit the URL for that post in Canvas. This post must provides links to all of the work that you completed during the week (including Daily Creates), and should offer your reflection on the week’s activities. (See below for more information about weekly summary posts.)